Sunday, October 17, 2010


PokerStars has updated their WBCOOP (World Blogger Championship of Online Poker) Badge.

They have also informed me to tell you all to keep blogging because WBCOOP 2011 is coming up this January!


I played a bunch of WCOOP this year thanks to PokerStar's satellite system. I was able to win my way into a lot of events on less than $300 in buyins.

In total, I played 1 x $109; 4-5 x $215; 1 x $265; 2 x $320

I think I cashed 2 or 3 times. Nothing deep, but was fun. Structure was great and stacks always seemed to be deep. Can't wait to SCOOP 2011 and WCOOP 2011. Need to work on my game to make better deep runs. glgl all